Bakim Mini Sprinkler 004

Bakim Mini Sprinkler 004

Brand : Bakım Platik

Product Features

  • Installation cost is 40% lower than other Sprinkler Irrigation Systems.
  • If the entire field is laid, transport and transfer is not applied. It reduces labor costs.
  • It provides irrigation of 2.5 - 3 times more area than the land irrigated once with Normal Sprinkler Irrigation.
  • Since it irrigates more area than normal sprinkler irrigation, it saves 20% of water and electricity.
  • It does not harm flowering plants as it disperses water in powder form. The plant can be watered while in bloom.
  • If the entire field is paved, it will not be allowed to enter the field. Therefore, the product will not be damaged.
  • Beet, Wheat, Barley etc. It causes more yield increase than other irrigation methods, especially in flowering plants (Potato, Watermelon, Pepper, Sunflower, Cotton, etc.).
  • Since it irrigates homogeneously, the planted products are equal in length and there is no fluctuation.
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BP SP 004 20
Meme Çapı ( mm ) Basınç ( Mpa ) Debi ( m3/h ) Islatma Alan Çapı
2.8 / 1,8 2 0,70 20
2,5 0,75 21
3 0,80 22
3,2 / 1,8 2 0,80 21
2,5 0,85 22
3 0,90 23
4,1 / 1,8 2 1,00 22
2,5 1,08 23
3 1,20 24

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